As an interjection against criticism, I do not consider sexual manias to be morally bad, but rather, the promiscuous intercourse needed to render my sexual urges satisfied, especially at times when I am confused, lacking guidance, bored or just existentially tired, would be, for a person with severe OCD, a problem of sheer practicality (the cleaning up for the arrival, the cleaning up after departure, the washing of the bed linens, towels and routine, monthly STI testing, etc.). I take gay male porn very, very seriously it is a way to release libidinal urges that would otherwise turn me into a raging sexual maniac (and/or leave me hospitalized). Animating this desire are, in the main, two reasons, the first being my own interaction and consumption of gay male porn, and the second being my constant amusement, amazement and shock at the medium itself. Recently I have been thinking about how to proceed with an analysis of gay male pornography.